
A transdisciplinary study of the dietary evolution of the first agricultural and pastoral communities in Central Europe

This study applies the complementary approaches of stable isotope and dental microwear analyses to study the diets of past Hungarian people

450,000 years ago, technological and subsistence advances could have helped to overcome climatic conditions marked by aridity and cold

This expansion of the ecological niche of Europeans hominins from that date is related to more efficient technology and subsistence strategy

New macaque remains about 2,5 million years old to fulfil a gap in the fossil record have been discovered

The discovery is the result of the research of an international team composed by specialists from IPHES-CERCA, URV, University Mohammed Premier of Oujda and INSAP

Hominins in Tanzania exploited diverse ecosystems 2 million years ago

They adapted to unpredictable environments and this ability allowed them to exploit several habitats in Africa and in the rest of continents later on

Violent death in the Cova Foradada in Calafell about 5000 years ago

The skull of a man who died around the age of 50 from the impact of a stone adze, a type of hoe, has been foun.

Gender-based division of labor 4,000 years ago with some tasks carried out only by women

Only women used their anterior teeth to make threads and strings The study of dental wear of 106 individuals buried in Castellón Alto site (Granada, Spain) confirms this statement

Presentation of 12 master theses of the Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

Since 2006, fifteen promotions of master students have been graduated and more than 200 research works have been completed

A researcher trained at IPHES, Sabrina Bianco, studies the wood supply and consumption from Bàrcino

This is possible thanks to the study of charcoal remains from urban contexts in Barcelona, as el Born 

International meeting on the study of microvertebrates in archaeological sites

Promoted by IPHES, the 3rd Congress of the Microvertebrate Working Group (MVWG), which belongs to the ICAZ, was recently held in virtual mode

The first European populations were capable of adapting to climate change and new habitats 1.4 million years ago

This has been reported in an article published in the prestigious journal Quaternary Science Reviews
