
New methodologies for the recovery of human behaviour through the evolution of hominid-carnivore interaction during the Pleistocene.

Camarós, E. & Cueto, M. 2013. New methodologies for the recovery of human behaviour through the evolution of hominid-carnivore interaction during the Pleistocene. Antiquity 87 (335)

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Large carnivores as taphonomic agents of space modification: an experimental approach with archaeological implications.

Camarós, E., Cueto, M., Teira, L.C., Tapia, J., Cubas, M., Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Rivals, F. 2013, Large carnivores as taphonomic agents of space modification: an experimental approach with archaeological implications, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2): 1361-1368.

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Osteophagia and dental wear in herbivores: actualistic data and archaeological evidence.

Cáceres, I., Esteban-Nadal, M., Bennàsar, M., Marín Monfort, M.D., Pesquero, M.D., Fernández-Jalvo, Y. 2013. Osteophagia and dental wear in herbivores: actualistic data and archaeological evidence, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(8): 3105-3116.

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Alzheimer’s disease: an evolutionary approach.

Bufill, E.; Blesa, R. & Agustí, J. 2013. Alzheimer’s disease: an evolutionary approach. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 91:135-157.

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How to interpret informal flakes assemblages? Integrating morphological description, usewear and morphometric analysis gave better understanding of the behaviors of anatomically modern human from Song Terus (Indonesia).

Borel, A., Gaillard, C., Moncel, M.-H., Sala, R., Pouydebat, E., Simanjuntak, T., Sémah, F., ip. How to interpret informal flakes assemblages? Integrating morphological description, usewear and morphometric analysis gave better understanding of the behaviors of anatomically modern human from Song Terus (Indonesia), Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (4): 630-646.

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Environmental availability, behavioural diversity and diet: a zooarchaeological approach from the TD10-1 sublevel of Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) and Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain).

Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Fernández Peris, J., Arsuaga, J.L., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Carbonell, E., 2013. Environmental availability, behavioural diversity and diet: a zooarchaeological approach from the TD10-1 sublevel of Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) and Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain), Quaternary Science Reviews 70, 124-144.

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Learning by Heart: Cultural Patterns in the Faunal Processing Sequence During the Middle Pleistocene.

Blasco, Ruth, Jordi Rosell, Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo, Sergi Lozano, Ignasi Pastó, David Riba, Manuel Vaquero, Josep Fernández Peris, Juan Luis Arsuaga, José María Bermúdez de Castro and Eudald Carbonell. 2013. "Learning by Heart: Cultural Patterns in the Faunal Processing Sequence During the Middle Pleistocene." PLoS ONE 8, no. 2 (2013): e55863.

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Using Bones to Shape Stones: MIS 9 Bone Retouchers at Both Edges of the Mediterranean Sea.

Blasco, R., J. Rosell, F. Cuartero, J. Fernández Peris, A. Gopher & R. Barkai. 2013. Using Bones to Shape Stones: MIS 9 Bone Retouchers at Both Edges of the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE 8, e76780.

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Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Miocene (Vallesian) of eastern Morocco (Guefaït-1, Jerada Province).

Blain H-A, Agustí J, López-García JM, Haddoumi H, Aouraghe H, Hammouti KE, Pérez-González A, Chacón MG, Sala R 2013. Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Miocene (Vallesian) of eastern Morocco (Guefaït-1, Jerada Province). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33(4): 804-816.

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Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique du Pléistocène Supérieur Ancien (Mis 5a) dans le Centre de l’Espagne: Les petits vertébrés (Amphibia, Reptilia & Mammalia) des gisements de Hat et Preresa (Sud-Est de Madrid).

Blain H-A, Sese C, Rubio-Jara S, Panera J, Uribelarrea D, Pérez-González A. 2013. Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique du Pléistocène Supérieur Ancien (Mis 5a) dans le Centre de l’Espagne: Les petits vertébrés (Amphibia, Reptilia & Mammalia) des gisements de Hat et Preresa (Sud-Est de Madrid). Quaternaire 24(2):191-205.

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