
Discovered the earliest modern human out of Africa

It is a left side of an adult upper jawbone including most of the dentition was found at Misliya Cave in Israel

The preferred use of the right hand is more ancient than it was thought and it is an ancestral characteristic of first hominins

It was considered that Neandertals were the first species with well-defined handedness, but a new international research led by IPHES goes back it to the first Homo species, Homo habilis.

IPHES: The most important news from 2017

català – español 27 January

IPHES makes available to everyone through a blog the posters presented at scientific conferences around the world

So far, 22 posts on a diversity of themes have been posted, showing the results of the research carried out at this research centre. The objective is to make this scientific production visible as well as creating a digital record open to everyone 

Experimenting to reconstruct the past

Tarragona host the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, organized by three Catalan Research Centers (IPHES, ICAC and ICRPC), together with the EXPERIMENTA association, and with the collaboration of the Port of Tarragona and the University Rovira i Virgili (URV).

New research provides knowledge, for the first time, about the skeleton of the Pyrenean frog and its adaptation to mountain streams with fast-running water

Descending from a more terrestrial ancestor it has opted instead for a more aquatic life It is in danger of extinction and it is an endemic species from the Pyrenees mountain range, living in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park

The Neanderthal site of Abric Romaní brings more than 12,000 remains of fauna and stone tools dated at over 60,000 years ago

The team that has worked since August 8th has discovered more than thirty hearths  On wednesday, August 30th, the 35th field work campaign in this site will finalise

Residential camps from around 9,000 years B.P. and new Neolithic human occupation evidences, have been found in Villena

This has been confirmed by fieldwork conducted at Arenal de la Virgen and Casa Corona archaeological sites.

Increases the interest of archaeobotany as a tool for the understanding of past societies and their environmental setting

As a consequence IPHES has organized a seminar for exchanging knowledge among students and researchers  Through a combination of theoretical sessions and practical activities to acknowledge in situ some of the Tarragona coastal landscapes  

Edited an international publication on the analyses of fuel from the Paleolithic to the roman period

This publication confirms that since the firsts steps of humanity bio-fuels had an outstanding roll, specially wood. 
