
Fernández García, Mónica

Affiliated Researcher


Doctor by the Università degli Studi di Ferrara within the "International Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory" program, in 2019. My PhD research was funded by an Erasmus Mundus grant from the European Commission. During my doctoral training, I worked at both the Università degli Studi di Ferrara in Italy and the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle in France. Additionally, I received training in oxygen isotope analysis at the Université Claude Bernard in Lyon, France.

The main scope of my research is based on the characterization of the ecology and the climate related to the Paleolithic human dynamics. My doctoral research focused on the environmental reconstruction of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition, when the latest Neanderthals occupations and the arrival of anatomical modern humans to Iberian Peninsula took place. My research was based on small-mammal assemblages through an interdisciplinary approach including taxonomy, taphonomy and biochemistry analyses. The main innovation of my research during the PhD was the use of stable oxygen isotopes preserved in rodent teeth recovered from these sites.

I worked as a postdoctoral researcher under the SUBSILIENCE ERC Consolidator Grant (Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic change events in Europe during MIS3) within the EvoAdapta I+D+I Group, at the University of Cantabria from 2020 to 2023. My role involved coordinating the work package associated with the analysis of stable isotopes from mammalian remains recovered at Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition archaeological sites.

Currently, I am based at the Department de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga (Universitat de Valencia), where I am conducting postdoctoral research funded by the APOSTD grant awarded by the Generalitat Valenciana (CIAPOS/2022/081), co-financed by the European Social Fund (EU). This project focuses on studying human adaptations to Last Glacial Maximum climatic changes through the analysis of small mammals recovered from Mediterranean sites and stable isotopes.