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Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology

As we announced last November 2016 the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and the EXPERIMENTA Association are organizing the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology that will take place in Tarragona on October 25th, 26th and 27th, 2017.

The V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology aims to bring together researchers in archaeology using experimentation and actualism to solve problems related to the study of past societies from different disciplines and covering a wide chronological range. At the same time, it seeks to bring together the latest advances in didactics and heritage dissemination.

The format of the congress will consist of two days of theoretical presentations, both oral and poster communications, and discussion (25th and 26th October) and a day for the presentation of experiments, demonstrations and workshops (October 27th). The theoretical sessions will be held in the Aula Magna of Facultat de Lletres de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Av. Catalunya, 35. 43002 Tarragona). The practical day will take place in the facilities of the Port of Tarragona, concretely in the Refugi nº1 and in the Tinglado nº1.

The sessions will be organized by large thematic blocks, with chronological and disciplinary scope. Communications and posters should be framed within the following themes:

  • From hunter-gatherers to producer societies
  • From the beginning of complex societies to the present
  • Didactics, dissemination and value-added of heritage

For organizational issues, only one oral communication per person can be presented as the first author. This does not exclude the possibility of participating as an author in other communications or posters.

The work should be of a scientific nature and should not be limited to the description of experiences. It is therefore suggested that participants include results and, as far as possible, their application to archaeological problematics.

The practical day will be divided into two parts:

  • The first part will be devoted to the live presentation of experiments, experimental projects and demonstrations by the participants to the congress who wish to show their research in a practical way. This part will be mainly developed in the morning and it is designed to share and exchange, in a live way, techniques and methodologies that allow solving specific problems. The participants to the congress who wish to use this option will also have a projector to support their demonstration with images or videos. It will be necessary that the participants to this practical day communicate the basic infrastructure that they will need for their presentation.

  • The second part will deal with a common topic, Links, and it will consist of a series of demonstrations and exhibitions related to the action of tying from the first hunter-gatherers to nowadays (prehistoric hafting, ropes and basketry, looms, fishing nets, etc...). These demonstrations will run throughout the day and in the afternoon will be open to the public in an attempt to bring experimental archaeology to the society.

During the practical day, there will be a space reserved for the participants to the congress who wish to show teaching bags or cases, experimental materials and dissemination of cultural heritage, etc.


The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 31th, 2017. Abstracts can be submitted in English, Spanish and French, and must be sent to the following e-mail address:

The guidelines for the abstract are as follows:

  • Concise, well-formulated and informative title: Times New Roman 14, bold characters, justified.
  • Authors’ names with the first letter of each given name and last names in capital (example: Jane SMITH): Times New Roman 12, justified on the right.
  • Authors affiliations: Times New Roman 11. Indicated with notes under the names of the authors. Justified to the right.
  • Correspondence author's e-mail: Times New Roman 11, centered.
  • The abstract should include results and applications: Times New Roman 11, maximum of 2500 characters (with spaces), justified, single spacing, with margins of 2.5 cm (upper, lower, right and left).
  • Keywords: Times New Roman 11, italics, between 3 and 6.
  • The abstracts have to indicate if they are a proposal for an oral communication (12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions), for a poster (A0 vertical format - 841mm x 1189mm) or for a practical demonstration, in which case the organization should be contacted the author to specify needs.

Beginning June 15th 2017, participants will receive the final response to the acceptance of their abstract (communication or poster). In the case of oral communications, the organizing committee reserves the right to decide whether the proposed abstract could be better adapted to the poster format.


Registration is open from today until October 15th 2017. It will be made by sending the registration form attached to the following email address:

The registration fees are:

Registration Fee                     General     Reduced (*)
Before June 30th, 2017            60 €           30€
After June 30th, 2017               80 €           40 €

(*) Fee for students and unemployed.

The payment methods are by bank transfer:

CaixaBank, SA
IBAN ES76 2100 1327 5602 0007 8460
Concept: Registration V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology + First and last name.

After the realization of the bank transfer, please send the certificate of payment by email to

In order to produce receipts and certificates of the payments, the following information will be required from each participant (other than the transfer receipt): first and last name, full address, identity card / passport number or VAT (or name of institution, postal address and VAT, in case you need the receipt to be in the name of your institution).

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address:

The registration fee will cover:

  • Assistance to theoretical and practical sessions, as well as to different activities that can be organized in relation to the congress.
  • The abstract book that will be delivered with the documentation and accreditations.
  • The congress proceedings with the definitive articles that will be sent after the revision of the works and their publication in a monographic volume.
  • Being a member of EXPERIMENTA association from October 15th, 2017 to December 31th, 2018.

We hope that, as in previous editions, the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology will bring together a large number of researchers, students and enthusiasts of experimental archaeology and that it contribute to the development of this discipline in the prehistoric and historical studies. Therefore, we hope to see you in October 2017 in Tarragona.

Organizing committee.