
Uzunidis, Antigone

Affiliated Researcher


I presented my PhD thesis in 2017 at Aix-Marseille University (France). It focused on the study of the large herbivorous fauna in the South of France between the end of the Middle Pleistocene and the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene. My objective was to describe environmental changes over time and space and to understand how large ungulates adapted to these changes according to their ecological preferences and behaviour. By reconstructing environmental contexts and their impacts on prey, the responses of human societies were refined.

After my thesis, I continued to develop my research objectives (environment-prey-humans) through national and international collaborations and programs. Thus, in 2018 and 2019, I worked within the framework of the ChroMed project (France-Morocco) and in 2019, with the "archéologies" association and in 2021 with the “labex Archimède” at Montpellier, which allowed me to extend my geographical (Europe and Africa) and chronological (Upper Pleistocene-Holocene) area. My work as a young researcher was rewarded by the SAMRA prize in 2018.
Since 2018, I have been leading a multidisciplinary project bringing together researchers from several European countries (Spain, UK, and Austria) in the framework of the International Research Network Taphen. In 2021, I was awarded with a postdoctoral contract "Marie Curie Actions-IF" at IPHES (Tarragona).

Research project: leading
Head of the micro-project «Taphonomic bias in dental microwear studies?» in the frame of the IRN (réseau de recherche international) TaphEN, CNRS INEE (resp. J.-Ph. Brugal).

Research project: member
Member of the PCR (programme collectif de recherche) « La Provence au Pléistocène Supérieur (PPSup) ». Dir. Guillaume Porraz, Antonin Tomasso, Vincent Ollivier et Isabelle Théry (UMR 8215 et 7269).

Member of the Prospection thématique Pal-Hérault. Dir: C. Mathias (UMR 7194).

Member of the PICS (Projet international de coopération scientifique) CNRST (Maroc)/CNRS (France): Peuplements humains et mammaliens: le couloir sud atlantique au Maroc et sa contribution dans les échanges trans-sahariens et méditerrannéens. Dir. France P. Fernandez; Dir. Marocco A. Bouzouggar

Member of the PHC PAMOJA (Kenya), Projet N° 43102QA Integrated studies on wild and domestic mammals’ diet. Ecological and zooarcheological implications. Tell-me what you are eating and I will tell who you are? (resp. France : J.P. Brugal, resp. Kenya, : W. Ogara).

Member of the project “Els canvis climàtics durant el plistocè superior a la costa central catalana i l’impacte en les poblacions neandertals i humans anatòmicament moderns”, J. Daura (dir.), Catalan Government, Generalitat de Catalunya, Department de Cultura, # CLT009/18/00022

Member of the project ChroMed (resp. P. Fernandez and A. Bouzouggar) for the meso- and micro-wear study of the ungulates.

"Since 2018, I have been leading a multidisciplinary project bringing together researchers from several European countries (Spain, UK, and Austria) in the framework of the International Research Network Taphen. In 2021, I was awarded with a postdoctoral contract "Marie Curie Actions-IF" at IPHES (Tarragona). Since 2023, I am working as an associate professor at Paris I-Sorbonne."