
Taphonomic analysis of the early Pleistocene (2.4 Ma) faunal assemblage from A.L. 894 (Hadar, Ethiopia)

Dominguez-Rodrigo, Manuel & Bienvenido Martinez-Navarro 2012, Taphonomic analysis of the early Pleistocene (2.4 Ma) faunal assemblage from A.L. 894 (Hadar, Ethiopia), Journal of Human Evolution 62 (3): 315-327.

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Microstratigraphic and multi-analytical evidence for advanced Neanderthal pyrotechnology at Abric Romani (Capellades, Spain)

Courty, M.A.; Carbonell, E.; Vallverdú, J. & R. Banerjee 2012. Microstratigraphic and multi-analytical evidence for advanced Neanderthal pyrotechnology at Abric Romani (Capellades, Spain). Quaternary International 247, 294-312.

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The Neanderthal Home: Spatial and Social Behaviours

Chacón, M.G., Vaquero, M. and Carbonell, E., 2012. The Neanderthal Home: Spatial and Social Behaviours. Quaternary International 247 (0), 1-9.

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Stature estimation from complete long bones in the Middle Pleistocene humans from the Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain)

Carretero, J.-M., Rodríguez, L., García-González, R., Arsuaga, J.-L., Gómez-Olivencia, A., Lorenzo, C., Bonmatí, A., Gracia, A., Martínez, I. and Quam, R. 2012. Stature estimation from complete long bones in the Middle Pleistocene humans from the Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain) Journal of Human Evolution 62 (2): 242-255.

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Assessing post-depositional processes in archaeological cave fires through the analysis of archaeomagnetic vectors

Carrancho, Á., Villalaín, J. J., Vergès, J. M. and Vallverdú, J. 2012. Assessing post-depositional processes in archaeological cave fires through the analysis of archaeomagnetic vectors. Quaternary International 275: 14-22.

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Palaeoecology of Neanderthals during Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in northeastern Iberia (Abric Romaní): from regional to global scale

Burjachs, F., J. M. López-García, E. Allué, H.-A. Blain, F. Rivals, M. Bennàsar, and I. Expósito, 2012. Palaeoecology of Neanderthals during Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in northeastern Iberia (Abric Romaní): from regional to global scale. Quaternary International 247, 26-37.

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Small and large game: Human use of diverse faunal resources at Level IV of Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain)

Blasco, R. and J. Fernández Peris 2012. Small and large game: Human use of diverse faunal resources at Level IV of Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 43 (8): 33-44.

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A Uniquely Broad Spectrum Diet During The Middle Pleistocene At Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain)

Blasco, R. and Peris, J.F. 2012, A Uniquely Broad Spectrum Diet During The Middle Pleistocene At Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain). Quaternary International 252: 16-31.

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Investigating the Mid-Brunhes Event in the Spanish terrestrial sequence

A., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Lozano-Fernández, I., López-García, J. M., Ollé, A., Rosell, J. & Rodríguez, J. (2012). Investigating the Mid-Brunhes Event in the Spanish terrestrial sequence. Geology 40: 1051-1054.

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Characterization of a rapid climate shift at the MIS 8/7 transition in central Spain (Valdocarros II, Autonomous Region of Madrid) by means of the herpetological assemblages

Blain, H.-Blain, H.-A., Panera, J., Uribelarrea, D., Rubio-Jara, S., Pérez-González, A., 2012. Characterization of a rapid climate shift at the MIS 8/7 transition in central Spain (Valdocarros II, Autonomous Region of Madrid) by means of the herpetological assemblages, Quaternary Science Reviews 47, 73-81.

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